
After over 5 years of fully and wholeheartedly embracing a plant-based lifestyle, my family and I have made the decision to begin to incorporate animal products back into our diet.

2020 has been a crazy year, full of uncertainties and surprises, but I did not see that one coming and neither did our friends and family. Boy, our loved ones were SHOCKED! And I don’t blame them. My husband and I were passionate about the vegan lifestyle – and for good reason. Adopting a plant-based diet was beneficial in so many ways. Initially it helped us feel more energized, my allergies vanished, stomach issues disappeared…It was GREAT! I became more mindful of what I was eating and where it came from. It changed my perspective on many things for the better.

In addition, I labored and birthed two healthy, happy and thriving children on a vegan diet as well. I have zero regrets. However, over this last year, my 4 year old’s picky eating habits have put me over the edge. I began to wonder, “well, what if he would eat an egg over a pancake… Or a chicken tender over the pasta that he eats EVERY single night for dinner?” I began worrying about his fat and protein intake since he began to reject my wholesome and nutritious meals.

To make a very long story short, these thoughts would come and go from my mind for months. I also, began to feel as if I was craving animal foods, like salmon, and I didn’t understand why. I was eating 2-3 avocados a day because I felt an insane drive to consume more fat. My cravings, along with concerns revolving my children, combined with some serious praying to God to help guide me in making the right decision, ultimately led me to where I am today.

This was NOT an easy transition for me, mentally. My compassion and love for animals is still there and it’s been a very hard pill to swallow… but I realized that I have to follow my instincts. I have to listen to my body and trust my gut. I believe the vegan lifestyle is a beautiful diet, but my body needed more, and I believe this for my children as well.

Although we aren’t totally “vegan” anymore, much of what we cook and eat still is. I’m still super passionate about plant-based recipes, and want a space to share all of my favorite meals! I will continue to post on here when I can.

Peace. Plants. Love. will help you to “find peace through plants with dishes you will grow to love.”